Large Project
Large products/projects/services are:
- Has 5,000+ users
- ​Deals with moderate or high risk data
- All criticality Level 1 services
- All healthcare services
- Any service release that could create a work stoppage
- Releases or changes that require an install on a device
Step 1: Identify Top User Tasks
Identify the primary user task flow or funnel, establish at least one related user success metric, and prioritize the design to improve that metric.
Step 2: Get User Feedback
Gather and review current user feedback from available sources (e.g., support staff comments and statistics, ServiceNow incident/request data, application traffic, etc.) to uncover existing UX issues. Prioritize issues and include in your product objectives.
Step 3: User Discovery Research & Design
Perform user discovery and calculated experience design in partnership with a UX professional(s) e.g., internal University team, vendor, etc.
Step 4: Usability Research and Testing
Conduct at least one usability test at a stage early enough to allow for implementation of findings.
Step 5: Use Identity, Branding, and Style Guidelines
Review against approved Stanford branding, identity, and style guidelines to ensure compliance.
Step 6: Follow usability best practices
Review against common usability best practices to understand areas of needed improvement and to prioritize top issues into product requirements.
Step 7: Create a Plan to Measure Success, Gather User Feedback, and Iterate
Ensure subsequent and ongoing user reviews, audits, and/or feedback collection is defined in any related operations and continuous improvement plan.